I Crossfit because...
I enjoy the ability to better my health and also be able to have fun with friends that enjoy the same passion for the sport of Crossfit that I share.
I coach because...
I want to help people reach their goals and push them past their abilities that they may not have known they were capable of until stating Crossfit.
My favorite movements are...
the Olympic lift (snatch, and clean/ jerk) and any gymnastic movements including muscle ups, pull-ups, etc.
My weakest/ least favorite movements are...
the deadlift and squats... lifting heavy weights sucks overall....
Favorite food...
has to be fried chicken, ice cream, and Doritos most importantly
The kids program is my favorite because I get the opportunity to change the upcoming generation of kids for the better by getting kids active and also having fun with good fitness habits, but also most importantly enjoying Crossfit mixed in with a little team work.